4 Life Skills You Learn in High School

Will I Actually Use Any of This?? YES!


It’s a familiar scene. You’re working through a math problem for your high school class when suddenly the age old question pops into your mind:

“When will I ever use any of this in the REAL world?”

Okay, so you may not use the Pythagorean Theorem or quote “The Great Gatsby” every day, but there IS plenty of classroom knowledge that you will be happy to have post-graduation.

In fact, there are actually MANY life skills you can learn during high school that you can carry with you after you graduate

Still not convinced? Well, in addition to learning critical thinking and problem-solving skills (among many others), here are a few lessons that you can learn now and apply for the rest of your life:

Manage Your Time

Homework isn’t JUST to keep you busy – it’s there to help you practice and retain what you learn in class. AND, as an added benefit, you might even learn an important life skill or two along the way.

High school is an incredibly busy time between classes, homework, work – not to mention a social life! So, how do you balance it all?

If you want to do it all, you’re going to need to hone your time management skills. Fortunately, high school is a perfect time to practice these life skills as you learn to juggle responsibility with social time and self-care. Start by getting a planner. Then, set daily goals, create your schedule, and prioritize what’s most important and what has to get done first.

Meet Deadlines

Again with that homework…

But seriously, you’ll have to meet deadlines your entire life. Whether it’s a big deadline for work or bills that are due by the end of the month, much of adulthood is filled with dates and deadlines.

It’s time to get out that planner again! In addition to helping you manage your time, it can also help you keep track of upcoming deadlines and prioritize assignments and other projects. The overall effect? The ability to meet tight deadlines in the future, even when you are super busy.

Get Comfortable Asking Questions

Get comfortable with asking smart questions now because you’ll need to be able to in the future, whether it’s at a new job or while working on your taxes.

Before you just start asking questions, though, try to find the answers yourself in your lessons. This will help you become a self-starter (more on that below). But, don’t be afraid to ask for extra help if you need it. Your instructors are there to help you succeed and you owe it to yourself to learn as much as possible during this time.

Become a Self-Starter

If you want to succeed in high school, you’re going to have to work for it. After all, it takes motivation to graduate, especially if you are attending an online high school.

Working at your own pace means you have to stay motivated in order to succeed. You have to push through tough lessons. You have to commit to logging on from home or visiting an education center regularly. You have to stay proactive about your education.

However, learning to be proactive now can help you pursue a brighter future. Building tenacity now will pay off big time in the future, and you’ll be a self-starter (which employers love!) who isn’t afraid to work hard to achieve your dreams.

After all, you’re the one in charge of your future, so the more proactive you can be now, the better off you will be after you graduate.

If you’re ready to earn your high school diploma, gain valuable knowledge and life skills, and do it all with top technology in a convenient and comfortable environment, SuccessVLC is here to help. Learn more at https://www.successvlc.com/start.


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